How to start a business online on Amazon/Flipkart (Fee - Rs. 300) - Ecommerce Guru

How to start a business online on
Amazon/Flipkart (Fee - Rs. 300)

Learn how you can start your own business on Amazon and Flipkart and increase your online sales.

Course Description

Are you looking to start your own business on Amazon or Flipkart? But don’t know how to proceed the right way. That is why, we are offering this course for those who want to start an online business in some major Indian and International marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Ebay, etc. 

In this course you will learn all the basics about how you can become a successful seller on amazon, flipkart, etc, how to promote your products, increase your online sales, etc.

Things You Will Learn In This Course

The Course Includes :

Live classes with Industry Experts

Course Duration 4 to 6 Hours Training

Free Online Classes

Free Ecommerce Helpdesk for queries and doubts

Right guidance and support

Training from Amazon Certified Partners

Who Can Opt For This Course -

Things You Will Be Able To Do After Completing This Course

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